Learn How To Treat Keratosis Pilaris With 8 Tips And Tricks

Check out this article to learn how to treat keratosis pilaris with 8 simple and easy to follow tips and tricks.


Keratosis pilaris, also called chicken skin, is a common skin  condition, causing small flesh-colored or red bumps on skin. It often appears on cheeks, thighs and arms and look like acne. In fact, this skin condition is harmless for your health but it can have the bad effects on your appearance and your confidence. If you are among those who are suffering from keratosis pilaris, there are 8 helpful tips and tricks on how to treat keratosis pilaris. Follow these tips and tricks and get your clear skin back!

Tips And Tricks For Keratosis Pilaris

1. Get A Prescription

As mentioned above, keratosis pilaris is not dangerous and you can learn how to treat keratosis pilaris at your own home with some home remedies. In case these remedies do not work for you, it's time to ask your doctor for a prescription to treat your skin condition. Consulting your doctor is the best way to treat keratosis pilaris if you are in a pretty severe case or you want to beat the bumps with strength treatments.

2. Cold Showers

It seems to be something terrible during the cold weather but cold showers actually good for you, especially when you have keratosis pilaris. First of all, cold showers are known to help improve movement through the lymph system, regulate body temperature, improve circulation, strengthen immunity and even alleviate depression. Moreover, when you take a cold shower, your pores will be tightened and the detoxification may be contributed. You will be surprise on how wonderful your health is as well as how beautiful your skin is after following this tip on how to treat keratosis pilaris. 

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

It's not hard to find apple cider vinegar  in the list of the most popular home remedies that are good for your health, and this list of 8 tips and tricks on how to treat keratosis pilaris is not the exception.  Apple cider vinegar has long been used to wash skin in the shower with coconut oil.

4. Stay Out Of Hot Water

While cold water is good for your skin, hot water on the contrary is bad for your skin. Therefore, it is essential to avoid hot baths and showers if you want to treat keratosis pilaris and keep it under control. The reason is that you might feel good right after taking a hot shower but in fact hot water dries out your skin and washes away the protective, natural oils on your skin, causing tight and itchy. If you do not want to use cold water, you should use warm water instead of hot water to avoid washing away precious oils and drying out skin. 

5. Shun Soap

Another tip on how to treat keratosis pilaris is trying to not to use soap, at least in the skin areas that are suffered from keratosis pilaris. Your skin needs to wash off, but soap can be a little too harsh on dry or sensitive areas. For your skin with keratosis pilaris, just use super gentle soaps or moisturizing body washes to preserve natural moisture on your skin. 

6. Exfoliate

The next tip on how to treat keratosis pilaris is exfoliating  your skin. It helps you clear up hair follicles and slough off dead skin. Make sure that you do not use harsh exfoliators or scrub your skin too hard. 

7. Eat Well

Some certain foods can help on treating keratosis pilaris by helping you moisturize the skin from inside. Foods which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as hemp seeds, flax, walnuts and salmon are helpful for your skin condition. Other foods like leafy greens, sweet potatoes, carrots and liver with high vitamin A content are also the good choice.

8. Moisturize

This is one of the most important tips and tricks on how to treat keratosis pilaris. In the winter, sufferers might notice that their skin get worse because the cold and dry air actually aggravates it. You can use natural moisturizer such as coconut oil to smooth out the skin. 

There are 8 tips and tricks on how to treat keratosis pilaris that can help you take your skin condition under control and get rid of it. These tips and tricks are very easy and simple to follow. Besides, you can check out vkool.com to find more ways on how to treat keratosis pilaris in the Banish My Bumps review .If you have any comment, please leave it below!

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